Polyworks Modeler

Reverse-engineering solutions that leverage your professional CAD/CAM software


polyworks modeler overlayPolyWorks|Modeler is a comprehensive reverse-engineering software solution that allows extracting optimal CAD entities - curves, surfaces, parametric sketches, and prismatic features - from polygonal models of digitised parts to serve as the starting point in your professional CAD modelling solution.

  • Work or model from polygonal models
  • Generate CAD-friendly free-form surfaces
  • Build solid CAD models from optimised geometric entities



Polygonal Modeling
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Several industrial applications are capable of directly handling polygonal model representations. For example, polygonal models can be either directly milled, built using a 3D printer, or input into aerodynamic simulation software. PolyWorks|Modeler provides two categories of polygon-editing tools to prepare polygonal models for these applications:

  • A first set of tools is designed to repair and optimise imperfectly digitised geometry. For example, it may be necessary to interpolate new polygons over unmeasured areas to create a complete surface representation.
  • A second set of tools offers CAD operations on polygonal models, such as extrusion, offset, fillet, and Boolean operations.

Surface Modeling
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PolyWorks|Modeler offers an intuitive surfacing approach in which curves are first laid down on a polygonal model, and then automatically intersected to form four-sided or N-sided trimmed NURBS patches. Next, the NURBS patches are used to control the fitting of a continuous network of NURBS surfaces. Fitted surfaces can then be exported to IGES or STEP files and directly imported into your favourite CAD/CAM application for further processing.

PolyWorks|Modeler's NURBS surfacing technology offers a remarkable balance between lead time and surface quality.


Solid Modeling
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The solid modeling philosophy of PolyWorks|Modeler consists in optimising the extraction of geometric entities on digitised polygonal models, and then transferring these entities to your corporate feature-based solid CAD modeler to guarantee the creation of parametric, associative, and fully editable solid models.


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polyworks from InnovMetric Software Inc is offered with each purchase of a new or used FARO digitizer.